
Thursday, September 27

What's up with algae?

This is Spirogyra algae, we don't have this in the tank but we got this pic from a lab we did!

Algae, believe it or not is a good thing as well as a bad thing. It really just depends on what type you have in your tank. Depending on the type of algae you find in your tank it can mean either good things or bad things. Some algae, like rivularia, are algae you'd want in your tank. You can find a few different types of algae on the rocks, glass, water, and decorations of the tank. You could probably find some volvox or pandorina in your tank because those give a fishy smell. Volvox can attach to baby fish gills so this is one to really look for if your expecting babies!! Ahhheemmm..(us!) On the rocks the slimy coating could be rivularia and also they could be on plants. This can also clog your filter so watch out! In the filter if your lucky you'll find stigeoclonium and that helps with removing nutrients to clean the water. Wow algae  is so rad!

-Shark Biscuit 

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