
Monday, September 10

Albino Coreydora Catfish

Gill and Dory our Corys!!

The Albino Corydora Catfish Are originally found in the La Plata River in Southeast Brazil. They are a very chill fish and hardy and very suitable for aquariums and beginning aquarists. They are omnivores and they also will eat live bloodworms or shrimp. They are a school fish and like to be kept in groups of 3-6 but more is always welcomed! Breeding is pretty easy if you have a male and female in the tank( it's difficult to sex them) so its just luck of the draw. But the female bumps the males vent and carries his sperm in her mouth then lays the eggs and distributes the sperm and will repeat this process until the eggs are fertilized. These fish are very playful and have distinct personalities if you watch them to figure them out! Turtle Rooter and my Cory's are named Gill-because he's just chills by his skull pretty much the whole time. Then our second one is just all over the place so of course we named her..or him(we don't really know yet) dory. Also, They actually aren't recommended to be released in the wild because they're albino and can't hide from predators too well. We picked this fish because they are durable fish and are easy to breed, but most importantly they are so darn adorable!!! I love our Cory's and I'm sure Turtle Rooter does too!!

- Shark Buscuit

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