
Friday, September 14

Picture Day!! photogenic fishies!

 Finding Nemo themed tank, yeah we know this tank is ridiculously awesome so feel free to leave comments!! The volcano(Mt. Wannahawkalugi) is the main attraction to the people and even our fish! 

 As you can see here, our guppies are enjoying the bubbles from Mt. Wannahawkalugi and also each other... since that yeller one there is preggers! (YAY! soon to have baby guppies!!! look for pictures of the new borns!!)
 here is Dory and one of the black and neon tetras chilling under the little bridge thing we have in the tank, there buds and so much fun to watch in their tank! I can't wait to see them get bigger!!

 This is Gill, he was named for obvious reasons, he's always by his skull so naturally we named him Gill. He's a hardcore Cory catfish and wants to be in the ocean. Poor baby doesn't realize he's a fresh water fishy! Even though Gill has some serious attitude we love him anyways and accept him the way he is<3
 Yeah... so the tetras are pretty much clueless the whole time and this picture captures that perfectly! We have yet to name them though we're thinking of Deb and Flo... it could fit!
Ahh lets play I Spy! who can spy our pregnant guppy?! (hint: fattest one there!!) Yes we are so proud to be expecting guppy babies! We don't know who the daddy is yet but once the babies come hopefully we'll know then! The fish are really happy in their tank and seem to be getting along perfectly! their awesome and so photogenic!

-Shark Biscuit (AKA pro. fish photographer for the day!) 

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