
Thursday, September 20

Freeday 9/20/12

Today is a freedqy and I'm posting again because I do not upload pictures and Shark Biscuit likes those better anyway. So today I'm going to talk about our pregnant guppy. She is about 3 weeks we think? But anyway we can vaguely see the eyes of the babies in her belly! Hopefully we will have babies next week and Shark Biscuit can post pictures of them!!! I do not think we have even named all 7 of our fish but if we did then I'm going to run out of names for the baby guppies! And Shark Biscuit said that she researched baby guppies and the mother can get pregnant again and again if the male guppy has stored his sperm so we might have even MORE baby guppies! Ok, I think that's all I have to say about our excitement of baby guppies!
-Turtle Rooter

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