
Thursday, September 27

Our prayers have been answered!

Our ammonia, like we said in our previous post, is finally at zero! here's a picture to show the levels of ammonia that can be in the tank. Ours is yellow, which means the ammonia level is perfect! We did use amoguard to help, but now we are not using any and our nitrite is up, which our teacher said that would be normal because our new tank syndrome is about to be over!!

This was NOT in our tank, it was however in a water sampling we got to observe under a microscope! This ugly little creature is called a "scud" and yeah its pretty much as ugly as its name sounds! We took algae samples and put them under the scope and had to list all the organisms or algae we found! super neat!!

FINALLY!!! one of the tetras went into the skull! we first saw Gill in the skull but i couldn't take a picture fast enough to catch it on tape! so this is the first photo taken of them in there! were stoked that our fish are warmed up to this skull and using it pleasurably! Oh! and in the second pic you can kinda see Gill and Dory there and we have 75% sureness that we do in fact have a Gill and Dory! They were in the T position yesterday when Turtle Rooter pointed out that one was wider than the other! we really hope to see some eggs soon!

Hope you enjoyed this little tid bit of pics of our rad tank! More to come!!

Shark Biscuit!  

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